June Online Coaching Lounge
We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform.
Join here.
Our Online Coaching Lounge is for everyone who wants to learn more about coaching. Sometimes we just show up and play, sometimes guest speakers come too. Think of it as a wine bar or a jazz lounge where you just hang out in corners chatting. Just minus the booze online. During 2019-2023, we've switched to online gathering (for you-know-what reasons), and we probably will keep it this way as many practitioners worldwide got to join.
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community.

Spring Online Learning Theatre
Join us online for an hour and a half of digestible learning. We will use diverse tools to view the expert videos (published by Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association). This series is only open to the alumni and students of Canadian Centre for Brief Coaching and University of Toronto Solution Focused Coaching program as per the permission arranged with the SFBTA.
The session is facilitated by CCBC Faculty members, and we hope to offer a space to play and discover.
We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform.

May Online Coaching Lounge
We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform.
Join here.
Our Online Coaching Lounge is for everyone who wants to learn more about coaching. Sometimes we just show up and play, sometimes guest speakers come too. Think of it as a wine bar or a jazz lounge where you just hang out in corners chatting. Just minus the booze online. During 2019-2023, we've switched to online gathering (for you-know-what reasons), and we probably will keep it this way as many practitioners worldwide got to join.
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community.

April Online Coaching Lounge
We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform.
Join here.
Our Online Coaching Lounge is for everyone who wants to learn more about coaching. Sometimes we just show up and play, sometimes guest speakers come too. Think of it as a wine bar or a jazz lounge where you just hang out in corners chatting. Just minus the booze online. During 2019-2023, we've switched to online gathering (for you-know-what reasons), and we probably will keep it this way as many practitioners worldwide got to join.
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community.

March Online Coaching Lounge
We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform.
Join here.
Our Online Coaching Lounge is for everyone who wants to learn more about coaching. Sometimes we just show up and play, sometimes guest speakers come too. Think of it as a wine bar or a jazz lounge where you just hang out in corners chatting. Just minus the booze online. During 2019-2023, we've switched to online gathering (for you-know-what reasons), and we probably will keep it this way as many practitioners worldwide got to join.
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community.

Winter Online Learning Theatre
Join us online for an hour and a half of digestible learning. We will use diverse tools to view the expert videos (published by Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association). This series is only open to the alumni and students of Canadian Centre for Brief Coaching and University of Toronto Solution Focused Coaching program as per the permission arranged with the SFBTA.
The session is facilitated by CCBC Faculty members, and we hope to offer a space to play and discover.
We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform.

February Online Coaching Lounge
We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform.
Join here.
Our Online Coaching Lounge is for everyone who wants to learn more about coaching. Sometimes we just show up and play, sometimes guest speakers come too. Think of it as a wine bar or a jazz lounge where you just hang out in corners chatting. Just minus the booze online. During 2019-2023, we've switched to online gathering (for you-know-what reasons), and we probably will keep it this way as many practitioners worldwide got to join.
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community.

January Online Coaching Lounge
We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform.
Join here.
Our Online Coaching Lounge is for everyone who wants to learn more about coaching. Sometimes we just show up and play, sometimes guest speakers come too. Think of it as a wine bar or a jazz lounge where you just hang out in corners chatting. Just minus the booze online. During 2019-2023, we've switched to online gathering (for you-know-what reasons), and we probably will keep it this way as many practitioners worldwide got to join.
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community.

December Online Coaching Lounge
We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform.
Join here.
Our Online Coaching Lounge is for everyone who wants to learn more about coaching. Sometimes we just show up and play, sometimes guest speakers come too. Think of it as a wine bar or a jazz lounge where you just hang out in corners chatting. Just minus the booze online. During 2019-2022, we've switched to online gathering (for you-know-what reasons), and we probably will keep it this way as many practitioners worldwide got to join.
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community.

Course: Storytelling Bootcamp
Join this brand new course at the Canadian Centre for Brief Coaching!
For Coaches, Teachers, Facilitators
Whether a bite-sized 5 minute story or a 50 minute one-person show, the same story principles apply. In this half-day workshop, Collette shares the secret ingredients of all the greatest stories ever told. Bring a photograph from a meaningful moment in your life and learn how to craft it into a compelling story. This fun, safe and interactive workshop will give you the tools you need to tell a remarkable story. A story your friends will never forget!
Collette Micks is an actor, storyteller and corporate trainer. She studied theatre in Paris at Ecole Jacques Lecoq and performed in theatre, film and television (Naturally Sadie, The Kennedy's, Murdoch Mysteries). Collette has been offering an extremely successful Storytelling Course at The Second City Training Center in Toronto for several years. Collette continues to tell True Stories Live on stage for several Storytelling Shows in Toronto such as The Story Collider, Confabulation, But That's Another Story and Raw Storytelling among others. Check out her Storytelling blog www.collettemicks.com.

November Online Coaching Lounge
We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform.
Join here.
Our Online Coaching Lounge is for everyone who wants to learn more about coaching. Sometimes we just show up and play, sometimes guest speakers come too. Think of it as a wine bar or a jazz lounge where you just hang out in corners chatting. Just minus the booze online. During 2019-2022, we've switched to online gathering (for you-know-what reasons), and we probably will keep it this way as many practitioners worldwide got to join.
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community.

Fall Online Learning Theatre
Join us online for an hour and a half of digestible learning. We will use diverse tools to view the expert videos (published by Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association). This series is only open to the alumni and students of Canadian Centre for Brief Coaching and University of Toronto Solution Focused Coaching program as per the permission arranged with the SFBTA.
The session is facilitated by CCBC Faculty members, and we hope to offer a space to play and discover.
We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform.

October Online Coaching Lounge
We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform.
Join here.
Our Online Coaching Lounge is for everyone who wants to learn more about coaching. Sometimes we just show up and play, sometimes guest speakers come too. Think of it as a wine bar or a jazz lounge where you just hang out in corners chatting. Just minus the booze online. During 2019-2022, we've switched to online gathering (for you-know-what reasons), and we probably will keep it this way as many practitioners worldwide got to join.
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community.

Mentor Coaching Group - Online Course
This workshop is for those who are pursuing further certification through professional associations (ICF or CCPC). In this workshop you will gain practical tips and tools to start your own coaching practice as a profession. Using microanalysis and your own coaching tapes, you'll grow your practice as a solution-focused coach.
The course is currently open to our community members. To learn more, join our online network here.

September Online Coaching Lounge
We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform.
Join here.
Our Online Coaching Lounge is for everyone who wants to learn more about coaching. Sometimes we just show up and play, sometimes guest speakers come too. Think of it as a wine bar or a jazz lounge where you just hang out in corners chatting. Just minus the booze online. During 2019-2022, we've switched to online gathering (for you-know-what reasons), and we probably will keep it this way as many practitioners worldwide got to join.
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community.

Open House (In Person!)
Hello, everyone!
This event is local to those of you in the Greater Toronto Area.
We have our Open Faculty Day on August 19 (yup, this Friday!), and thought we'd open it up a few spaces for those of you who would like to meet in person locally. We are finally opening up the centre again to public members after two years (for obvious reasons), and we'd love to welcome you back to the space. We will have a short program where you will meet our faculty members and learn about upcoming programs at the Human Learning Institute and Canadian Centre for Brief Coaching.
We can only host a limited number of guests. Please register before you can come.
Hope many of you can join in.

June Digital Coaching Lounge
Online Coaching Lounge is for everyone who wants to learn more about coaching. Sometimes we just show up and play, sometimes guest speakers come too. Think of it as a wine bar or a jazz lounge where you just hang out in corners chatting. Just minus the booze online. During 2019-2022, we've switched to online gathering (for you-know-what reasons), and we probably will keep it this way as many practitioners worldwide got to join.
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community.
We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform. Join here.

WBECS Summit | Coaching A-to-Z: Using Ordinary Words in Extraordinary Ways
Language is powerful. Subtle variations in the words we use can make a profound difference during communication. For example: which phrase is more motivating: “I don’t know this”, or “I don’t know this yet”?
In this WBECS Summit session (presented by coaching.com) with Haesun Moon, you’ll discover a simple shortcut to immediately help you host better coaching conversations. You’ll explore how you can use ordinary words in extraordinary ways, and use your lexical choice more effectively in your coaching responses and everyday conversations.

Spring Online Learning Theatre
Join us online for an hour and a half of digestible learning. We will use diverse tools to view the expert videos (published by Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association). This series is only open to the alumni and students of Canadian Centre for Brief Coaching and University of Toronto Solution Focused Coaching program as per the permission arranged with the SFBTA.
The session is facilitated by CCBC Faculty members, and we hope to offer a space to play and discover.
We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform.

Transform Your Dialogues with DOQ (In-Person, Sweden)
"This is a repeat (which actually never happens with Haesun) of the workshop we had in Oct 2021 in Malmö. We were 30 people and I can’t remember that the applause and standing ovations had ever been louder and more persistent. Briefly – this was an amazing experience both for the very experienced practitioners and the beginners who were present."
- Harry Korman
Back by popular demand, Haesun will be returning to Malmö, Sweden in May 2022 for a two-day workshop focusing on the Dialogic Orientation Quadrant.
Learn more and register here.
Despite its prestigious title, the Dialogic Orientation Quadrant is a simple tool (heuristic) for studying interactions that you can use for learning, researching, and sharing your practice. The DOQ makes what happens in our coaching and therapy conversations visible as we can review it bit by bit or sentence by sentence.
By recording, transcribing and thoroughly analyzing our own – real or alternative – (coaching/therapy) conversations, we become observers of our work and experts in observation at the same time. We might understand how the things we usually refer to as “gut feeling”, “magic” or “the art of coaching/therapy” work in a dialogue setting. We might observe what we actually do to create and maintain these magical moments and process of co-construction – in every second of the conversation.

May Online Coaching Lounge
Online Coaching Lounge is for everyone who wants to learn more about coaching. Sometimes we just show up and play, sometimes guest speakers come too. Think of it as a wine bar or a jazz lounge where you just hang out in corners chatting. Just minus the booze online. During 2019-2022, we've switched to online gathering (for you-know-what reasons), and we probably will keep it this way as many practitioners worldwide got to join.
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community.

April Digital Coaching Lounge
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community. We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform. Join here.

March Digital Coaching Lounge
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community. We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform. Join here.

February Digital Coaching Lounge
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community. We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform. Join here.

January Digital Coaching Lounge
Hosted by CCBC faculty via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community. We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform. Join here.

December Digital Coaching Lounge
Hosted by CCBC Faculty members via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community. We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform. Join here.

November Digital Coaching Lounge
Hosted by CCBC Faculty members via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community. We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform. Join here.

October Digital Coaching Lounge
Hosted by CCBC Faculty members via Zoom, these lounges are a great way to connect with people across industries in the solution-focused community. We host all of our events through Mighty Networks, a private community-focused platform. Join here.

Scholarship Info Session 2
Join us for an hour long virtual info session to answer questions you may have about our upcoming scholarship, mentorship, and action research opportunity. We are hosting two sessions that you can choose from on Wednesday September 15. Register here.

Scholarship Info Session 1
Join us for an hour long virtual info session to answer questions you may have about our upcoming scholarship, mentorship, and action research opportunity. We are hosting two sessions that you can choose from on Wednesday September 15. Register here.